Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A year ago I was diagnosed with POTS syndrome and then 2 months ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. These conditions are difficult but when you throw pregnancy on top of it...they are almost unbearable. I am not writing these things to get sympathy but rather to express my gratitude. We are expecting Cornelsen baby #4 and I am very excited. But the morning sickness makes it so I can't eat which makes the pots worse causing me to pass out and because I can't move without passing out the fibromyalgia gets a lot worse. We have been able to handle it in the past but with Scott being the Bishop things have been really difficult. I finally had to call the Relief Society President to ask for help. I asked for help once a week. When my neighbors heard the problems that we were having they started coming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to help. It has made such a huge difference for both me and Scott. It has been such a blessing.

Here is a picture of me 6 weeks pregnant. I get huge fast.


  1. We send our prayers your way, I help treat fibromyalgia patients at my clinic every so often and know it can be awful. I'm so glad you are allowing others to serve you. Now you and them can be blessed! Love you guys!

  2. Congrats on the upcoming baby! I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope the morning sickness will subside soon so that you can get feeling better overall.
