Thursday, October 14, 2010


Soccer season this year was fun. Malaya and Natalie both played. Malaya loved it which was nice because last year she only played because I was the coach and I made her. Natalie played on Malaya's team unofficially last year and loved it but this year she didn't want to play. Slightly frustrating after 6 months of begging to play soccer. But all in all we had fun.

This was Natalie all season long:)


  1. You get to play soccer inside. That's a lot nicer than outside. I'm surprised that Natalie didn't want to play. She looks either mad or bored - can't tell which. :) Malaya looks like she is having a good time though. That Steven gets into some interesting things like tubs and toilets. He is so cute. Thanks for keeping up your blog. I enjoy reading it and seeing the pictures. I love the Halloween theme too! Hope everything else is going good. Love you lots, Mom

  2. P.S. What are the kids going to be for Halloween?? Can't wait to see their costumes.

  3. I love the new pictures! And I love all of you!
