Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 2011

So the last month has been crazy. I went into the hospital on March 30 to stop contractions and was put on bed rest until my next doctors appointment. My wonderful mother was dropping my sister off at the MTC and so she took a little detour and came for a couple of days. It worked out that the kids had spring break the next week so she took them home with her so that I could recover. She brought the kids home the following Saturday so that we could take the kids to baby animal days and do a birthday party for Malaya. Baby animal days was snowed out but we had a wonderful party for her. I can't believe my baby girl is 6!!
Next up was the girls dance concert. This year was a little crazy because they were in different groups so all the extra practices kept us on our toes. The girls did a great job. They were fun and funny to watch. The pictures aren't the best because they were on stage with bright lights but you get the general idea.
Easter this year is sadly photographed. We dyed eggs the Monday before Easter but we did it at a friends house and forgot the camera. Then kids got their Easter baskets on Saturday morning but apparently we didn't get any pictures of that. Easter Sunday we awoke to a child throwing up so the kids and I got to stay home so there were no Easter Sunday new outfit pictures. Scott was busy doing Bishop stuff most of the day so the kids and I enjoyed camping out on the floor watching movies. Since we missed the photos last week I did them this week.

This week Malaya got her first stitches

...we got the news that Scott's cousin had their first baby...

... my brother Jordy got engaged to this beautiful girl...

...and Austin is coming home tomorrow from Army training graduating in the top 10 of 250!

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