Thursday, August 5, 2010

The First Week...

We are into the second week now of Scott being Bishop. It has been an interesting adjustment. I get a couple of calls a day about ward boundaries, meeting schedules, people needing my husband, etc. I have even had a couple of Stake Presidents call.

I think that I had unrealistic expectations of the blessings we would receive. I imagined that as soon as he was set apart Bishop our lives would be instantly better. Crazy I know. I knew that it was highly unlikely, but I hoped. This last week has actually been full of trials...most likely to humble me... At the beginning of last week we were sitting around with my in laws and mom noticed that the ceiling was swelling. We had a leaky valve in the kids bathroom. We poked a hole in the ceiling and drained the water. Scott fixed it the next day but we were left with some bulging in the ceiling that will probably get fixed when we decide to sell our house.

I have difficulty with my health but have been doing really well until the last week. I have had a period ever other week for a couple of months then it went to every 5 days. I have been cramping and don't feel good at all. On top of that I have been light headed, dizzy, and gaining weight like crazy regardless of what I do.

In all actuality it is coincidence that these things occurred the same week he was made Bishop. They were coming anyway. We were actually very blessed. We caught the leak before very much damage was done. I was able to get into the Doctor and they were able to find out what was going on (this is huge because it took 4 doctors and 3 years to figure out my POTS) I won't feel great for a few more days but I know what is wrong. Scott and I both had meetings Tuesday night and I really didn't want to take the kids with me. As we are getting ready to go a friend texts and says she wants to play with the girls. I only had to take Steven and he is super easy. Scott is usually grumpy when I am sick and he has been a real trooper and cleaned the house and cooked dinners even though he has been in meetings a total of 10 hours already this week.

I anticipated that life would become problem less and easy...silly me...Instead we are given trials to help us grow stronger and given blessings to make it so that we can deal with our trials.


  1. Super MOM! that's what you are! ok you can call Scott Super Dad too. (or the conductor)Glad your health situation has been getting figured out. Love you!

  2. I am glad to do it anytime!:) We love your family!:)
