This year for Thanksgiving mom and dad rented a cabin up near Post Falls where Jordan and Lindsey live. Lindsey was blessing her baby and they wanted us to all be able to get together. We were a little nervous about the trip since it took us through the same pass at the same time of year that we had our accident at three years ago. Luckily the twelve hour drive went well. We had so much fun just relaxing with the family. We were able to get together with Grandma and Grandpa Johnson and Grandma Jenny and Scott's parents.
I think Dee spent more time in the basement watching football than anywhere else. It was much quieter down there so I can't really blame him.
Since everyone was together and we had Steven and Natalie celebrating birthdays the next week we let
the kids decorate their own cakes and had a little party for them.
It was a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for all that I have been blessed with included my big, wonderful family.